PerformanceEvents |
- Festival Chamber Music Concert Series (2025-01-30T20:00:00)
- Christian Tetzlaff, Violin, Tanja Tetzlaff, Cello, and Lars Vogt, Piano (2019-05-03T19:30:00)
- Musicians from Marlboro (2018-11-12T20:00:00)
- The Boston Trio (2017-09-28T19:30:00)
- Festival Chamber Music Concert Series (2017-02-02T20:00:00)
- Seymour Lipkin Memorial Concert (2016-11-09T19:30:00)
- Carnegie Hall Notables: The Tenth Annual Notable Occasion: Latitude 41 (2014-05-15T19:30:00)
- Bulgarian Concert Evenings in New York (2013-10-16T19:30:00)
- Festival Chamber Music Concert Series (2011-03-24T20:00:00)
- Christian Tetzlaff, Violin, Tanja Tetzlaff, Cello, and Lars Vogt, Piano (2010-02-27T19:30:00)
- Stella Trio (2006-11-05T17:30:00)
- Clavier Trio (2005-10-30T14:00:00)
- András Schiff, Piano, Yuuko Shiokawa, Violin, and Miklos Perenyi, Cello (2004-10-18T19:30:00)
- Armstrong Chamber Concerts (2002-11-01T20:00:00)
- David Chan, Violin (2002-10-27T20:30:00)
- The Lincoln Piano Trio (2001-02-22T20:00:00)
- Huntington Piano Trio (1999-02-22T20:00:00)
- The Merling Trio (1998-02-15T14:00:00)
- Meadowmount Trio (1998-01-11T14:00:00)
- Eaken Piano Trio (1993-03-07T14:00:00)
- Grieg Trio (1993-02-11T20:00:00)
- New York Camerata (1989-03-28T20:00:00)
- Raphael Trio (1983-02-08T20:00:00)
- Chung Trio (1982-12-20T20:00:00)
- The Madison Trio (1980-10-07T20:00:00)
- Karl Kraeuter, Violin, and Phyllis Kraeuter, Cello (1960-01-31T17:30:00)