PerformanceEvents |
- Diego Campagna (2016-12-23T20:00:00)
- Daiana Ferreira Da Costa (2014-10-05T19:30:00)
- D'Addario Performance Series: Matt Palmer and Hugo Moltó Medina (2014-02-27T20:00:00)
- Musical Armenia: João Kouyoumdjian, Guitar, and Karén Hakobyan, Piano (2011-03-27T14:00:00)
- D'Addario Debuts and Premieres Series: Florian Larousse and Anabel Montesinos, Guitar (2011-01-27T20:00:00)
- William Anderson, Guitar (2007-02-18T14:00:00)
- Peter Fletcher, Guitar (2007-02-03T20:30:00)
- Javier Garcia Moreno, Guitar (2002-11-05T20:00:00)
- Christoph Denoth, Guitar (2001-12-13T20:00:00)
- Piero Bonaguri (2000-05-09T20:00:00)
- Anibal Acosta, Guitar (1995-05-13T17:30:00)
- Emanuele Segre, Guitar (1993-03-03T20:00:00)
- Yoon-Kwan Park, Guitar (1993-02-27T17:30:00)
- The Manhattan Guitar Duo (1991-10-20T14:00:00)
- Febbraio School of Music Spring Music Festival (1991-06-02T13:30:00)
- John, Robert (1991-03-28T20:00:00)
- David Doig, Guitar (1991-02-09T20:30:00)
- Febbraio School of Music Student Recital (1990-03-18T13:30:00)
- Neill Archer Roan (1986-03-31T20:00:00)
- Dimitri Fampas (1984-12-16T20:30:00)
- Raul Sunico, piano, Michael Dadap, Guitar, and Ida Ong, Soprano (1984-06-29T20:00:00)
- John Lehmann-Haupt (1982-05-16T17:45:00)
- New Concert Artists of France: Marie-Thérèse Ghirardi (1978-11-27T20:00:00)
- Narciso Yepes, Guitar (1978-11-20T20:00:00)
- John Feeley (1978-02-01T20:30:00)
- Anton Del Forno, Guitar (1972-12-17T20:30:00)
- Mateo Caballero and Pedro Cortes, Guitar (1968-11-30T20:30:00)
- John Varner, Guitar (1967-11-03T20:30:00)
- Corrado Mezzina, Guitar (1962-11-25T20:40:00)
- New York Schools of Music 34th Artist Students' Recital (1955-04-16T20:00:00)
- Manuel Gayol, Guitar (1954-04-21T20:30:00)
- Rey de la Torre, Guitar (1951-06-29T20:30:00)
- Andrés Segovia, Guitar, with the Symphonette Orchestra (1946-01-13T20:30:00)
- Orchestrette Classique (1938-11-14T20:30:00)