. . . . . "1962-09-27T20:30:00"^^ . . "Entered from booking ledger and New York Times concert listing and review.\r\nWORLD PREMIERE of William Sydeman's CONCERTO DA CAMERA FOR VIOLA AND ORCHESTRA\r\nWORLD PREMIERE of Charles Wuorinen's OCTET\r\n\"CONCERT AND OPERA PROGRAMS THIS WEEK.\" New York Times (1923-), Sep 23 1962, p. 138. ProQuest. Web. 21 Aug. 2023.\r\n\"WORK BY SYDEMAN IN PREMIERE HERE: PIECE COMPOSED IN '57 GIVEN AT CARNEGIE RECITAL HALL.\" New York Times (1923-), Sep 28 1962, p. 29. ProQuest. Web. 21 Aug. 2023." . . "New York Chamber Society Concert" .