Event: Inter-American Music Fiesta

Property Value
  • 1941-10-28T20:30:00
  • Inter-American Music Fiesta
  • multiple performances
  • radio broadcast
  • benefit performance
  • vocal performance
  • For the benefit of Pan-American Music Scholarships Under the auspices of Inter-America House, Mrs. William A. Barber, Chairman Use of Carnegie Hall donated by Helen Traubel Broadcast on CBS According to the New York Times review, the "second-tier boxes were draped with the flags of the twenty Latin-American republics" for this performance. Also, since the first half of the program "ran beyond the appointed time [...] some of the numbers after the intermission had to be cut and others rearranged so the Columbia Broadcasting System could go on the air at the appointed time." Intermission followed the selections by the Yale Glee Club, and the scheduled time for the broadcast was 10:15 PM, but which selections were cut or rearranged is not known. "Music Fiesta Held at Carnegie Hall." New York Times 29 Oct. 1941: 27. Print.
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