Event: Ellington's Sacred Music: Our New Songs

Property Value
  • 2014-03-30T16:00:00
  • Ellington's Sacred Music: Our New Songs
  • multiple performances
  • student performance
  • choir performance
  • A Creative Learning Project, presented by the Weill Music Institute From the Carnegie Hall website; This season’s creative learning project shines the spotlight on Duke Ellington’s sacred music, some of the most ambitious and heartfelt music of his legendary career. Tying together elements of jazz and classical music with African American spirituals and gospel music, Ellington’s compositions crossed the lines dividing secular and religious genres, while punctuating the ever-expanding role of jazz in America and throughout the world. First heard during three historic concerts in the 1960s and 1970s, these legendary works will now be performed by hundreds of student singers and instrumentalists from New York City in collaboration with some of today’s brightest jazz soloists. In addition to preparing for the final concert, the student musicians explore jazz composition and improvisation, guided by some of the world class performers with whom they will share the Carnegie Hall stage.
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