Event: Newport Jazz Festival: Musical Life of Charlie Parker

Property Value
  • 1974-06-28T23:30:00
  • Newport Jazz Festival: Musical Life of Charlie Parker
  • Produced by George Wein Some details have been added from the New York Times review and information in the Library of Congress' SONIC database. The correct program order of selections may not be reflected, and selections may have differed between the 7:30 PM and 11:30 PM performances. The program was narrated by Willis Conover, who read a script by Dan Morgenstern that tied together the various elements of the program. Dembart, Lee. "Bird's Friends Salute a Giant of Jazz." New York Times (1923-Current file), Jun 28 1974, p. 20. ProQuest. Web. 18 Dec. 2018. Wilson, John S. "Jazz: Be-Bop Pioneers Mark Charlie Parker Era as Festival Hears Five Groups." New York Times (1923-Current file), Jun 30 1974, p. 35. ProQuest. Web. 18 Dec. 2018. Library of Congress, Sound Online and Inventory Catalog. "Newport Jazz Festival New York, June 29, 1973, Carnegie Hall concert, Shelf no. RGA 0231 (RWD 7053 B1-B4)." N.d. Library of Congress. Accessed 28 August 2019. Library of Congress, Sound Online and Inventory Catalog. "Newport Jazz Festival New York, June 29, 1973, Carnegie Hall concert, Shelf no. RGA 0232-0233 (RWD 7054-7055 A1)." N.d. Library of Congress. Accessed 28 August 2019.
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