. . . . . . "1967-03-26T20:30:00"^^ . "The printed program and program calendars list performance times of 2:30 and 8:30PM, while the promotional flyer lists 4:00 and 8:30PM. Booking ledger entries show an afternoon and evening performance, with a \"twilight\" time slot entry that says \"as above, 4PM\". Information from the Duke Ellington discography compiled by Marcus Girvan (Ellingtonia.com) confirms the 4:00 and 8:30 PM concert times, as does the weekly concert listing published in the New York Times. The discography has been used to enter information on selections.\r\n1961 — 1970 | Ellingtonia.Com - A Duke Ellington Discography. https://ellingtonia.com/discography/1961-1970/. Accessed 22 Jan. 2024.\r\n\"Who Makes Music and Where: OPERA.\" New York Times (1923-), Mar 26 1967, p. 91. ProQuest. Web. 22 Jan. 2024." . . . . . . "Jazz at the Philharmonic" . . . . . . . . .