Event: Louis Armstrong and His Orchestra

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  • 1947-02-08T17:30:00
  • Louis Armstrong and His Orchestra
  • Presented by Robert Snyder and Greer Johnson in association with Leonard Feather The following note appears in the printed program: "The four sections into which the program is divided follow a geographical pattern parallel with Louis Armstrong's career, which began thirty years ago in New Orleans, moving later to Chicago, New York and Hollywood. The order ot the items to be played is only roughly chronological; many of the tunes in sections II and IV, for example, are interchangeable. Moreover, since about 400 of Louis' records have achieved world-wide renown, every Armstrong fan who has his personal favorites is bougn to find that some of them are among the 370 reluctantly omitted, for lack of time, from this program. The best Louis could do was offer what he considers a representative cross-section of his career in music." The four sections divide as follows: Section I: New Orleans ("Flee as a Bird" through "Basin Street Blues"); Section II: Chicago ("West End Blues" through "Ain't Misbehavin'"); Section III: New York ("St. Louis Blues" through "Struttin' With Some Barbeque"); and Section IV: Hollywood ("Sleepy Time Down South" through "Roll 'Em"). Billie Holiday appeared as an unannounced surprise guest; she sang "Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans?" with Armstrong, but the exact placement of this performance within the program is uncertain. Novaes, Paolo. “Billie Holiday Songs: 1947 Sessions.” Billie Holiday Songs, Paulo Novaes, Feb. 2019, www.billieholidaysongs.com/recording-sessions/1947-sessions/.
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