
Whose Birthday is Today?


See performers and composers from Carnegie Hall’s performance history who were born on this day. Click on each name to view information on that person from our online Performance History Search, and view matching items in Wikidata.

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Birth Year Name with PHS Link Birth Place Matching Wikidata Item
1664 Silvio Stampiglia born in Lanuvio Wikidata Item
1681 Georg Philipp Telemann born in Magdeburg Wikidata Item
1795 Robert Lucas Pearsall born in Clifton Wikidata Item
1804 Johann Strauss born in Vienna Wikidata Item
1813 Hermann Kletke born in Wroclaw Wikidata Item
1815 Josephine Lang born in Munich Wikidata Item
1823 Théodore Faullain de Banville born in Moulins Wikidata Item
1826 William F. (William Fisk) Sherwin born in Buckland Wikidata Item
1835 Manuel Fernández Caballero born in Murcia Wikidata Item
1844 Arthur O'Shaughnessy born in London Wikidata Item
1845 August Bungert born in Mülheim Wikidata Item
1848 Theodore A. Metz born in Hanover Wikidata Item
1854 Thomas R. Marshall born in North Manchester Wikidata Item
1859 William Graves Sharp born in Mount Gilead Wikidata Item
1870 Pedro Elías Gutiérrez born in La Guaira Wikidata Item
1871 Olive Fremstad born in Stockholm Wikidata Item
1872 Hallett Gilberté born in Winthrop Wikidata Item
1879 Albert Einstein born in Ulm Wikidata Item
1883 Joan Manén born in Barcelona Wikidata Item
1884 Wintter Watts born in Cincinnati Wikidata Item
1894 Osa Johnson born in Chanute Wikidata Item
1903 Benedicto Lacerda born in Macaé Wikidata Item
1905 Saverio Seracini born in Prato Wikidata Item
1906 Ulvi Cemal Erkin born in Istanbul Wikidata Item
1907 Edward Heyman born in New York Wikidata Item
1908 Nikolai Rakov born in Kaluga Wikidata Item
1912 Les Brown born in Reinerton Wikidata Item
1913 Gonzalo Soriano born in Alicante Wikidata Item
1914 Bill Owen born in Acton Wikidata Item
1914 Lee Hays born in Little Rock Wikidata Item
1914 Robert Pete Williams born in Zachary Wikidata Item
1915 Alexander Brott born in Montreal No Wikidata Item
1917 John Graas born in Dubuque Wikidata Item
1919 Luther Henderson born in Kansas City Wikidata Item
1922 Les Baxter born in Mexia Wikidata Item
1923 Celeste Rodrigues born in Fundão Wikidata Item
1924 William Kushner born in Lake Charles No Wikidata Item
1925 William Clay Ford Sr. born in Detroit Wikidata Item
1925 Sonny Cohn born in Chicago Wikidata Item
1926 Francois Morel born in Montreal No Wikidata Item
1931 Seymour Wakschal born in Brooklyn No Wikidata Item
1932 Claude T. Smith born in Monroe City Wikidata Item
1933 Quincy Jones born in Chicago Wikidata Item
1934 Shirley Scott born in Philadelphia Wikidata Item
1935 Gétatchèw Mèkurya born in Shewa Wikidata Item
1943 Jim Pons born in Santa Monica Wikidata Item
1945 Walter Parazaider born in Maywood Wikidata Item
1945 Michael Murphey born in Dallas Wikidata Item
1951 Jerry Greenfield born in Brooklyn Wikidata Item
1952 Arthur Gottschalk born in San Diego Wikidata Item
1952 Mariano Garau born in Iglesias Wikidata Item
1952 Akira Tana born in San Jose Wikidata Item
1959 Tamara Tunie born in McKeesport Wikidata Item
1967 Rudolf de Beer born in South Africa No Wikidata Item
1968 Eduardo Kohn born in Canada Wikidata Item
1968 Jeff Yang born in United States Wikidata Item
1972 Keeril Makan born in Livingston Wikidata Item
1972 Noriko Ueda born in Hyōgo Wikidata Item
1983 Taylor Hanson born in Tulsa Wikidata Item
1994 Ansel Elgort born in New York Wikidata Item
1994 Yuan-Yuan Wei born in New York No Wikidata Item

lab report


List: Whose Birthday is Today?


See which composers and performers from Carnegie Hall’s performance history were born on this day, with their birth year, birthplace, and a link to their corresponding Wikidata item.

The scope is limited to those people for whom we have birthdate and birthplace information.


We created a SPARQL query using data.carnegiehall.org, which finds people from Carnegie Hall's performance history (e.g. performers, and/or creators like composers, arrangers, lyricists, etc.) born on today's date. Since birthdates have been stored as ISO-8601 dates assigned datatypes like xsd:date (YYYY-MM-DD), xsd:gYearMonth (YYYY-MM), or xsd:gYear (YYYY), we can use SPARQL's FILTER to find only those people born on today's month and day. Birthplaces are identified using GeoNames URIs (when the birth city is not known, birth country will be used; people with no birthplace recorded will not appear in the query). The query will also return the Wikidata item ID for anyone whose Carnegie Hall ID has been aligned with Wikidata using the skos:exactMatch property.

              PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
              PREFIX schema: <http://schema.org/##>
              PREFIX geo-pos: <http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos##>
              PREFIX skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core##>
              SELECT ?personName ?birthPlace ?birthPlaceLabel ?lat ?long ?opasID ?wikidataLink (YEAR(?date) as ?year)
                            (STR(ENCODE_FOR_URI(?personName))))) AS ?perfLink)
                            (STR(ENCODE_FOR_URI(?personName))))) AS ?compLink)
                  BIND(MONTH(NOW()) AS ?nowMonth)
                  BIND(DAY(NOW()) AS ?nowDay)

                  ?personID schema:birthDate ?date ;
                          schema:name ?personName ;
                          schema:birthPlace ?birthPlace .
                  ?birthPlace rdfs:label ?birthPlaceLabel ;
                              geo-pos:lat ?lat ;
                              geo-pos:long ?long .
                  OPTIONAL { ?personID skos:exactMatch ?wikidataLink .
                      filter contains(str(?wikidataLink), "wikidata")}
                  BIND(REPLACE(str(?personID), "http://data.carnegiehall.org/names/", "") as ?opasID)
                  FILTER (MONTH(?date) = ?nowMonth && DAY(?date) = ?nowDay)

              ORDER BY ?year
              LIMIT 100

In order to provide an easily human-readable version of each person’s history at the hall, we also use SPARQL to create a link to Performance History Search, an HTML presentation of essentially the same dataset that we published first in 2013 (and predates our experiments with LOD). (In the query, this is found right after the SELECT statement, where you'll see (IRI(CONCAT( etc.)


what we learned

You might be asking why we need to formulate different versions of the PHS link. The HTML version launched in 2013, well prior to our release of the same data as RDF in 2017; although the source database is the same, the process that translates the data for display is a bit different and was developed separately. This creates a few challenges when attempting to create links to PHS search filters:

  • Our source database for CH’s performance history data, a proprietary SQL-based product designed for concert planning, stores performers and composers in separate tables. When the data is surfaced in the HTML Performance History Search (PHS), that separation between composers and performers remains. Query filters are constructed from a search index based on the name string of the composer or performer.
  • Our RDF version of the data solves this problem of (potential) dual IDs by creating a single ID for each named entity, with statements defining their role according to associations with creative works (as a composer, arranger, lyricist, etc.) and/or events (as a performer).
  • In order to construct the PHS link, a URL-safe version of the Wikidata item label (i.e. the name of the composer or performer, with URL-encoded characters replacing spaces and other reserved characters) must be concatenated with a base URL, e.g. https://www.carnegiehall.org/About/History/Performance-History-Search?q=&dex=prod_PHS&pf=Juan%20Tizol.

further investigation

Eventually our goal is to bring all online historical content — our performance history and digital collections — into a single, unified user experience using our LOD as the metadata "backbone". The Carnegie Hall Data Lab is a first step in that direction, where we can begin experimenting with user-friendly ways to surface our performance history data.

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